Category: News

October Releases are In!

STEEL ASSASSIN (Jack Steel #2) and GUARDIAN, THE QUEST (Magical Beasts #2) are available for Kindle Pre-Order, releases Oct 26th and Nov 2nd respectively! Great reader reviews thus far!

Steel Force won Finalist for Men’s Adventure and Thriller Categories.

Guardian The Choice WINNER of YA Outstanding Fiction 2019!  Excited for all the books and good news, and continually grateful for the help of readers, family, and professionals who make this journey much easier than if I had to go it alone.

1 Week to Launch!

Very excited to see how STEEL FORCE does on launch next Wed-Sat–when it will be discounted to 99c. Have high hopes and expectations. Guardian, The Choice also discounted through the same period.

So far reviews have been outstanding for STEEL FORCE, so it just needs visibility. I’m still looking for reviews for Guardian, The Choice, but should see them come in over the weekend. Trying to launch two books at the same time with different genres drives home the point of why publishers like writers to remain in one genre, which most do anyhow. It’s just too much work to market to YA fantasy and thrillers at the same time.

That said, I loved writing the Guardian series, 3 books mostly done, the last one 3/4 done, and thus will finish the series at least. Had a major producer interested several months ago and will go back to him with Guardian, The Choice once it’s published and hopefully selling decently. Will also approach producers with STEEL FORCE. I think I have something original here.

I’ve begun the new Jack Steel book, STEEL JUSTICE, 12% through it, and getting plot straight. Every book is different for me to write, sometimes it all comes out fast, sometimes I have to muddle around for a bit to get things right before it flows. And I always have to feel that the theme and character arcs are worth looking at.

Okay, heat wave in MN, 105 heat index, swimming great for tolerating that. Stay cool!